Saturday, November 7, 2015

Softest baby skin

Whenever we see a baby it gives us complete happiness. Whether we are tired but baby smile gives us stress relieve.  That's the reason a baby always attract us towards them. They are true friends where we can share our happiness openly.

When I was would be mother , I always feel thT because I am in a nuclear family , how would I rise my kid alone in such stressfull world. How would I take care of him as new born baby needs complete attention. And being in a nuclear family , you have to do full time work at home and have to take care of your baby. Which seems very difficult task to me .

But, I think , you get the power , because being a mother is the special power comes to you itself . And when my baby arrived in this life , I was so happy to see him. Too little fingers, thumbs, a little and cute nose . That gives me a tears of happiness. I cuddle my baby in my arms with so warmth and love and I promised myself to give him each and every care throughout his younger life to avoid the harsh life of this earth.

Besides eating , my main concern was to keep my babies skin soft all along the years... But the soft skin needs really a hard care.
I make a list of the things that I needed to use for babies skin to keep it soft . As hard skin make the rashes on the babies body.
1) most important is to chose the best huggies for the baby , as baby need to be in diaper most of the time . And if we donot chose the correct diaper it can make the rashes on baby's skin.
So, I would suggest to have the pampers huggies pants for the babies, I personally used it for my baby till he didnot able to tell about his nature call.
As pampers pants are soft and easy to make him wear the pants. 
2) to make the babies skin soft, I use body lotion  and put the lotion on his body for 2 minutes and gently rub it with your hand .
3) another important thing is OIL, oil we are using on his body for relaxing and making it soft , oil has the part in it. Mild oil helps the baby body to absorb and make the bones strong and soft as well.
4) it's naturally , baby skin is soft , but regular caring can keep it same essence . 
5) we should be more careful , once they started crawling , their knees can become harsh because of crawling on floor. So , we can use the soft carpets at home to make their skin soft always...

“Pampers brings you the softest ever Pampers Premium Care Pants. Its cotton-like softness is #SoftestForBabySkin and allows it to breathe, thus keeping baby’s skin soft and healthy, and your baby happy. ”